Gordon, Wisconsin Population 176


 I announced to a group of ladies at a dinner party that I was beyond excited to go to Wisconsin for vacation. 
I would be unplugging, away from news, tv, phone calls, work.
The kids would have to play outside and create their own fun.


Make forts, swim, take walks, play in the forest.
I was amazed when one of the women said, “why would you want to do that?”

The thought of being so remote and having an electronic free zone seemed horrific to her.
I'll tell you why I was so excited.


I had no idea what was going on in the world other than my own world.
I enjoyed talking to my family face to face instead of texting.


Each night I got to watch the sun set.
I enjoyed daily four mile walks with my sisters and my Mom.


We walked through the woods, discovered wildflowers, followed animal tracks, and heard a symphony of bird songs.

We waved to and were waved back by every person who passed us.

They slowed down to 20 mph to let us pass (try that one in Los Angeles).

We saw a bear.

We made wonderful nightly meals and all sat down as a family to eat.

We drank some awesome wine.

We drank even more awesome beer.


We saw more eagles than crows.
We saw more deer than people.
My 6-year-old now knows how to kayak.


My daughter learned to fish.
We played for hours in water so clear you can see your feet and all the fish swimming around.


We drank tap water from the faucet.
It's ice-cold, delicious and clean!
I did some canoeing.


I listened to big, loud Midwest thunderstorms at night.
Powerful and majestic and perfect for sleeping.


When we woke up we made huge pots of coffee and sat on the screened in porch, surrounded by old pine trees and an amazing view of the lake and slowly embraced the day.

We went to a Lumber Jack show. I learned a lot about logging and I got to see some super cute Lumber Jack's.


We ate at a local joint for a Friday Night Fish Fry.
We drank beer, ate cheese curds, played Pac-Man (yup, the original version was still in working order).

No flash or frills, no one was dressed up, it was real, delicious and down home fun.


I felt American.

I know it sounds corny, but there were American flags all over the place and it wasn't because of the 4th Holiday it was because the people of the small town communities we visited love their country.

It's nice to be around and especially after the controversial verdict that has our nation divided and up in arms.

   I almost cried when I ate an iced chocolate raised donut because it was that good.

We played family charades and ate popcorn.

The sound of the Loons on the lake, eerie and beautiful.

I love the fact each year I can count on nothing changing.


The creak when you hit the second stair on the way down, the sauce pan that was struck by lighting, the elephant foot stool, the pheasant taxidermy on the mantle, the fireplace made from stones from the near by St. Croix river, the old faded map of Wisconsin, the porch swing.

They will all still be there, unchanged when we return.


The memories I had as a kid will be the same memories my daughter will have.

Carrie 1972

Carrie 1972

Caroline 2013

Caroline 2013


It's so nice that there is a place that stands still in time.


Standing still is not a bad thing.


I came home with a clear mind and a full heart.


I whole heartedly recommend going away to a place Like Gordon, Wisconsin.

Population 176.

And now I hope you understand why.

xoxo Carrie


The Little Things


Packing for the North Woods